
amt 1/200 アメリカ宇宙開発史ロケットセット

3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 42個の評価

この商品は現在お取り扱いできません。 在庫状況について
ブランド amt
テーマ スペース,ロケット,宇宙
商品寸法 (長さx幅x高さ) 37.1 x 25.9 x 9.7 cm
シーズン オールシーズン


  • 組み立て、塗装が必要なプラモデル。別途、工具、塗料等が必要。
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  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 37.08 x 25.91 x 9.65 cm; 798.32 g
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2012/1/31
  • Amazon.co.jp での取り扱い開始日 ‏ : ‎ 2011/12/13
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ amt
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B004GWVQGA
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ AMT700
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 42個の評価


プラスチックモデルキット まだまだ冷めることのない宇宙ブーム! 今度はAMTから、月を目指したNASAの宇宙ミッションで活躍した歴代のロケット5機がセットになって登場。 マーキュリー計画で使用されたレッドストーンとアトラス、ジェミニ計画で使用されたタイタンII、そしてアポロ計画のサターンIBとサターンV型の各ロケットを、1/200スケールで再現したキットです。 スケールが統一されているのでロケットの規模の違いも一目瞭然。発射台のペーパークラフトや背景用のイラストも付属。またオマケとして2機の月着陸船もパーツ化されており雰囲気を高めます。 リンドバーグから好評発売中の1/200 スペースシャトルも加えれば、アメリカの宇宙開発史コレクションが完成します! 宇宙ファンにはたまらない注目のアイテムです。







上位レビュー、対象国: 日本



5つ星のうち5.0 The set speaks volumes of the early history of the US Space Program.
Overall, *very* happy with this set. Still in the process of putting it together. I will say, surprisingly this Saturn V has much more detail than the ( Revell Germany Apollo Saturn V Rocket Model Kit ) which I also recently assembled. Two examples are the RCS on the Service Module are actually detailed versus small nubs on the Revell, and the Launch Escape System nozzles are actually there versus not on the Revell. I think these and other details are significant given the differences in the scales of the models.

All in all, this is a fantastic kit demonstrating the astonishing progress the US space program made in such a short time. As others have stated, don't be put off by the diminutive sizes of the Mercury and Gemini systems. There is still more than sufficient detail for them to add value to the overall intent of the set.
William Oickle
5つ星のうち5.0 space rocket model kit
Great Seller.Great product was as pictured.In this model kit there is maybe a little over 100 pieces.There is a total of 5 complete rockets and 2 luna modules.The Saturn V rocket is worth the price by itself.I was able to put the kit together without too much trouble.There are a few small parts that will take a little time to do.If you liked the space race you'll like this model kit.
Howard I Rosenberg
5つ星のうち5.0 Good details.
It's smaller than I thought, but it will fit where I want it. Brings back my childhood memories when I built it after visiting cape Kennedy to see Apollo 13. Good details.
Amazon Customer
5つ星のうち4.0 Great kit, some modification required for 100%
This kit is fantastic! There have been a couple of complaints on here about the assembly required to which I would say "of course! it's a freaking model kit, that's the point!". Where else, for this price, can you get a kit with 5 different rockets and a display? I only have a few little nitpicks about it that are actually quite minor. One is that the painting guide is wrong for the Saturn V. This is actually really common with model kits but the paint scheme it has is that of the 500F which was only a test version. The Saturn V rockets that went to the moon were painted differently so I recommend doing a little research while you build (it's part of the fun!). Another one is that the decal guide has a couple of the numbers wrong, so where it shows decal 21 for example should actually be a different decal (I forget which one) so again, use your brain and some research to make sure you do it right. I like that the rockets seperate at the stages although the capsules just fall off the tops of the rockets if not secured in place (something I cured by using little neodymium magnets I had lying around), but the half stage of the Atlas rockets skirt and outboard engines doesn't detach. The Atlas is molded in two halves each having the main body and fall-away skirt in one piece. Other than that the kit is fantastic and I enjoyed building it and it looks really good on my desk at work.
C. Valdez
5つ星のうち5.0 Great models for kids
Got these for my sons (7 and 5 years old) and they helped me built all 5 rockets in this set. The Saturn V is the tallest of all and once you are done with the painting and decal placing it looks amazing! Definitely recommend this product.